About sons and daughters
Look for more.
write what is to come.
Look at the past to shape the future…
Sons and Daughters is an online literary journal focusing on poetry that furthers the 20th century tradition of Radical Modernism. Many of our heroes can be seen in the New American Poetry Anthology. After running poetry nights in the north of England and attending poetry events in Southern California, we grew frustrated by the lack of artistry and innovation in the current poetic scene. Hoping to foster an environment for new and innovative poetry, we created Sons and Daughters.
Having experienced the great modernist epicenters of California and Northern England, we became disciples of the Modernist pioneers, from Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams, to Robert Creeley and Allen Ginsberg, and beyond. Though do not be confused: Sons and Daughters is not a modernist appreciation site that is nostalgic for a time gone by. Sons and Daughters seeks to use the principals of the Radical Modernism of the past to shape the future of both poetry and the world we live in. We hope others are willing to help us build that world.
Sons and Daughters takes our name from Charles Olson’s 1950 Manifesto, “Projective Verse”, where he mentions himself and his contemporaries as “sons of Pound and Williams”, Thus establishing a lineage that can be followed to today. The newest generation of Sons and Daughters of modernism hope to carry on the ideals established by our forbears to create a world more fair for all. Though our main passion is poetry we also spotlight politics, culture, various artful endeavors, and more, that help further the goals that are important to us. After the life cycle of modernism, post-modernism, and post-post modernism, we are searching for what is next.
We hope you’ll help us build the future.
-Sons and Daughter Literary Journal